الجمعة، 16 سبتمبر 2011


, 40 km south of Tangier tourist up to the city that descended out of a genuine call to the original Arabic word which is above the ancient city Alqirtagnih Zile or Željs.

The famous original two-fold: first, beauty, speaking all languages​​, and the second attached to her family in literature and poetry as much as cling to the fishing and trade.

But still love literature, poetry, a common denominator among all of the home or passes by, the synonymy between the name of authentic and the word culture is something known since the season first cultural, which was held in 1978 to date, is the point of moving to creators and critics, intellectuals, artists and thought leaders in each kinds of knowledge.

Painted on the walls of the city boards of international artists and suspended in the alleyways of the finest paintings on canvas. It Alqriqih you can enjoy the sunset where they join the rays red in wonderful harmony with the waters of the Atlantic, near the beach authentic attractive organize meetings to discuss issues of music and assets of the melodies and rhythms and the role of Arabs in this field, namely that culture is no longer a luxury with authentic as it turned out to be like water and air in the accessible to all, and happy as much as the people of genuine poetry, art, happy to embrace their visitors from Arab and foreign tourists every knock on the door of the authentic Arab city.

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