الجمعة، 16 سبتمبر 2011

Abdel Hadi Al-Tazi

Ould Abdel Hadi Al-Tazi in the June 15, 1921 in Fez, he earned his World of the University of villagers in 1947 and was appointed professor by 1948, he received in 1953 on the Profi Studies Institute of Morocco, made in 1963 on the Graduate Diploma from the Faculty of Arts, Rabat, and has a degree in English Language Institute in Baghdad in 1966 and in 1971, made a PhD from the University of Alexandria (Thesis: University of villagers). Served as ambassador of Morocco to the, Libya, Iraq, Iran, United Arab Emirates. Also worked as director of the Institute for Scientific Research, University of Rabat. Contributed to the establishment of the Union of Moroccan Writers and the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco is a member of a group of cultural organizations: Iraqi Academy of Science (1966), the Arabic Language Academy in Cairo (976), the Arab Institute of Argentina (1978), Jordan Academy of Arabic (1980) and the Arabic Language Academy Damascus (1986), and academic Hashemite Jordan.
Highlighted Mr. Abdelhadi Tazi member of Academy of the Kingdom that he "can not be the historian who takes care of Morocco with ties to Europe to write history without once he finds himself in the heart of the Little Palace," which was "available at all what we perceive his presence in the major naval bases." And addressing Mr. Abdul Hadi Al-Tazi in a recent presentation before the Academy of the Kingdom under the title "City of Little Palace through the International History of Morocco", the history of this city, which had a "strategic role important in Morocco yesterday since the inn where the Phoenicians and the Romans who left the fingerprints to the returned to the Moroccans who have made them in the Islamic era provide a gateway to connect to the preferred European continent. " Mr. Tazi that Abu Obeid Allah al-Bakri describing the city as "the palace first," one said Sharif Al-Idrisi that the Moroccan state established by the House industry of ship-building, highlighting the echo, which was to this town in the military history of Morocco since the reign of the Almoravids (453 e 0.1061 m ). And adopted the view of Mr. Tazi, in particular, to compose a contemporary state-Almohad (524 e 0.1130 m) revealed the pivotal role that was for the city to limit the small, pointing out that in this city, "was held forums big during the movement of state officials to Spain and back, where meet the doctors, scientists and poets who were escorting the Caliph. " He added that this city was the major releases to the south of Europe as if it was the bridge linking the two continents in this regard, citing the words of poet from Valencia, "and the sea as Kalpr armada." He pointed out that when you see children of Marin in Morocco, under the gap "is the selected site par excellence of the connecting communication with the outside world, and so was narrated from the way we saw (Spring II 681 AH, the summer in 1282) King Abu Yusuf Yaqub ibn Abd right to respond to the demand of the Embassy of Spanish king Alfonso X, which Morocco's military asked aid and material to overcome the maintenance of his son's rebellion Sanc. " He added that the event was "one of the greatest events recorded by the diplomatic history of Morocco in order to maintain legitimacy, the establishment of peace in the south of the European continent," adding that the city of Little Palace "known as the period of occupation had undergone born King of Portugal Alfonso V (in 862 AH 0.1498 m), but his successor Jean King III was soon forced to abandon the palace to the succession of small raids of Morocco. "

He noted that in the era of Saadian "received the French Embassy to Morocco in 966 AH 1559, was aimed to get the approval of the city of Morocco on the exploitation of" Little Palace "as a benefit for the purposes of Navarre Principality of concern to them." He said that the references "on a range of diplomatic traditions that were taking place at the conclusion of agreements between Morocco and other countries, as well as models of management literature has known the Empire of Morocco, which has been going on throughout history." And most of the other "grand stand, which was the Sultan Moulay Ismail, a manifest of Great Britain 1094 H, 1683, for Tangier, which was - as the city of Little Palace - a target for England to govern the grip on both sides of strait of Gibraltar." And Mr. Tazi at the end of this presentation was pleased his view that "the sense of national day to re-emitted to the vitality of this region and its activities through the completion of mega projects for a better tomorrow worthy of its past glorious strikes at the roots of history." Average Rating: 2.33 (6)
Work:- Interpretation of Sura Nur- Etiquette for the illiterate Arabs- Weddings Fez- A tour of the diplomatic history of Morocco- History of American-Moroccan- Collector villagers University mosque in Fez- Libya's journey through the Minister of Ishaqi- Badi Palace in Marrakech of the wonders of the world- In the shadow of faith- Sicily, in the memoirs of Ambassador Bin-Uthman- Education in the Arab States- Messages Mkhoznah- Iranian-Moroccan relations- Hunting hawk between the east and Morocco- Moroccan Endowments in Jerusalem- To defend the territorial integrity- Symbols in the secret correspondence of Moroccan history- Iran between yesterday and today- Summary in the history of international relations of the Kingdom of Morocco- Diplomatic History of Morocco- Kuwait, a quarter of a century- Imam Idris, the founder of the Moroccan- Women in the Islamic history of the WestAs Abdul-Hadi al-Tazi investigative work the following:- Date of manna to lead the prayers: prayers for the owner's son- Texts that appear in the evacuation of the Jews, promiscuous: Ibn Abi men- Unique to restrict Shareed: to Abu Qasim AlvgijiTranslations:- Facts about the North African / General Delatour- Hours of the fourteenth century in Fez / Derekh. Brice de down- If I saw three days / American writer Helen Adams Keller- The French protectorate, commenced, the end of / a group of diplomats and politicians

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