الجمعة، 16 سبتمبر 2011

Abdallah December

Fez is the capital of Morocco Scientific has formed this city, and is still a kiss to science students since its founding in (92 e), and the establishment of the oldest universities in the world in (245 e) construction of the Mosque of the villagers. Not be complete without talking about Fez talking about family, "December" (Kef package) Fjo science and scientists, who had prevailed in, making the homes of many famous science in that city, and became some of these families a kiss to science students and researchers. The historians in this context, for example, much of the admiration and appreciation of the world Fassi Alknona better known as the "Son of Civil December," which take the knowledge from elders reach their descendants to Bukhari in Hadith, Imam Malik in jurisprudence, and to Sibawayh in as. A great-grandfather of the brand Morocco "Abdullah December" - may God have mercy on him - which brought together science and jurisprudence, literature and politics, was a scholar and man of letters and a political activist and statesman.
Ould-Abdallah December (30 Shaaban 1326 AH / 1908 - July 9, 1989 m). Jurist, writer, historian, poet, academic and Moroccan journalist, former Secretary General of the Association of Scientists of Morocco and a major pioneer in establishing the rules of Renaissance literary and cultural and scientific in Morocco, since the mid-twenties that the term passed away. He traveled to Tangier with his family because of the war, save the Quran at the hands of his father, Abdul-Samad, and December by Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Alosana and save the prophet became a world with Sharia and Arabic in a short time. Was the atmosphere created by colonialism, the mute breath, and closed the doors of science and learning, and filled the world wars and corrupt, and in this suffocating atmosphere did not find the family of the "Son of Civil Alknona" choice but to migrate to the Levant In (1914 AD) started the family to the city Tangiers (northern Morocco) on the shore of the Mediterranean; to travel to the Levant, carrying with her child, "Abdullah," who was not exceeded after six years of age.
But the circumstances surrounding the outbreak of the First World War in December forced the family to stop temporarily the Tangiers waiting for the war is over, then quickly took the family from that city have remained stable. The stability of the affairs of the family in Tangier began to "Abdullah" takes the flag from his father, the world, "Abdul-Samad December"; and talking is the same for this period in his memoirs, saying: "... preserved the Koran, and practiced reading science sheikhs several ... The field of limited studies in the science of jurisprudence and Arabic and the modern interpretation, and the literature has been positive for a hobby. "
Also save on December hadith texts and the ancient texts and explanations of grammar and language, and footnotes in secondary schools; tomorrow, in a short period, and the elements of sharia scholars, and the language and its secrets, has not yet reached the second decade. Once the contract is halfway through his twenties, until he became the "Abdullah" The fame in the Maghreb and Mashreq, thanks to the value of his writings in newspapers, the Islamic countries, thanks to the successive visits to that country. Has allowed him to his writings and his visits to identify a large number of scholars of the Orient and talent of its writers and Aalamiyet; to fight with them intellectual and cultural debates dealing with the reality of the nation and the circumstances and ways out of crises, social, intellectual, political and economic. Known as Abdullah on December accuracy in scientific research, and rigor in the field of novel historical facts and analysis; capacity in addition to his information, and control of the arts, literature, history, and was fluent in both French and Spanish.
Intellectual life of a busFlag-Sheikh, "December" that the struggle against colonialism, will not succeed unless the composition of a new generation educated, taught him the rights and homeland. Therefore, it was the first project he worked on is the establishment of a private school in 1936, called the school, "Abdullah of December." He was assisted in the promotion of his project and the status of Tangier, which was legal under international administration. December and held several positions of a scientific and educational; support Islam as Director of the Institute Khulaifi, then a professor at the Higher Institute of Theology Faculty of Tetouan. Then he held the post of justice minister in the government Khalifia between 1954 and 1956, he was appointed governor of his native city of Tangier in 1957. But his position as a scientist was completely incongruous with his status as governor; so soon that he resigned in 1958. And between this and that, he presided over on December the magazine "of the tongue of religion," and served as director of the newspaper "the Charter", and contributed to the editor of rehabilitation. In addition to its contribution in the establishment and presided over dozens of other magazines and newspapers, which are difficult to count.
Production on December scientific, literary, was abundant, and included writing newspaper articles, and authored textbooks to the issuance of the publications of intellectual and cultural for the duration of his life; and this is what his family to receive the membership of a large group of Islamic organizations, including: the Academy in Damascus in 1956, and the Arabic Language Academy in Cairo in 1961 and the Association of Scientists of Morocco, and the scientific Jerusalem in 1973, and a complex language of Jordan in 1978, and the Iraqi Academy of Science in 1979. The fact is difficult to limit the functions and positions that parodies the world of late, is also difficult to limit the books and publications that left her and which varied between thought and culture, literature and politics. The thread connecting these works to defend the sanctity of Islam first, and to highlight the moral and intellectual treasures that are available to Morocco II.
In the field of Islamic Call thousand on December the book "The scandal of the missionaries in their protest on the Koran" a book to respond to the advocates of Christianization in Muslim countries. As A "Handbook on the Quranic answer: Can you believe the Koran," a booklet written by the former Soviet Union Ambassador in Mauritania. As A "Islam leader," and "Islamic concepts," and "on the path of Islam," and "tours in Islamic thought."
In literary A "explain the limited Almcoda," and "explain Achammqmqah Ibn Allonan," and "memories of the famous men of Morocco," and "genius Moroccan Arabic literature," and "princes of Poets", and "an oasis of thought", and "Altaaship , "and" storming and basil, "and" talk of the modern Moroccan literature, "and" lattice panels. "
In the field of history and criticism, the A "entry in the history of Morocco," and "battles" and "Army Almjelb the amazing Morocco," and "four cabinets of four scientists of the thirteenth century," and "Sheikh Ahmed Zarrouk Devin Misurata."
Regarding the achievements of late books and manuscripts, will mention them: "elected by the poetry of Ibn Zakur," and "Fountains in News Kings Shurafa," and "Court of King of Granada, Joseph III," and "forty medical extracted from Sunan Ibn Majah and explained to the mark Abdul Latif al-Baghdadi, "and" Letters Saadia, "and" facilitation in the industry for the deportation of Abu Bakr Seville, "and" News of the laurel Hafiz Mohammed bin immortalized Iraqi League. "
The books published without investigation and that filled the treasury family Alknonah will mention them, "stewardship of Islam to judge Ayyad," and "teach the little boy to Abdul Haq Seville," and "explained Sheikh Mayara on the illiteracy of my father Elmejrad," and a "victory arrested in the prayer of the mark Mohammed Almsenawi. "
This has left several books of late have not yet found its way to publication, including the "Moroccan figures" talk of 150 personality Moroccan shined in the various arts knowledge. Besides leaving the "twins and non-twins" (poems), and "literary anecdotes and salt," and "Memoirs of non-personal."
The former all just the tip of the iceberg, and only what he left Galilee Sheikh percent more than the author according to some researchers.
It remains the book "The Moroccan genius" book months in the treasury of the mark on December Abdullah, who made his name flying high in the sky of scientists not only in Morocco, but in the Islamic East and Europe as well.
Moroccan tale of ingenuity"If you did not write only on December Moroccan ingenuity, it is sufficient for him to pride and glory." This is confirmed insists on including all those interested in leaving the mark from the books and authors. According to December in his introduction: "many blamed writers in Morocco on their brothers in the East, for ignoring them, and the denial of many of them for many of their advantages .. But the greatest blame for return on those .. wasted themselves and neglect their past and present, even inflicting others in ignorance of them and Altcol them." This fact, in the East Vajuanna know little about their brothers in Morocco in the fields of science and knowledge. Even with the new media revolution, this remains a problem exists but has subsided somewhat. The firm also pointed out that our problem is primarily a self; as the heritage and a huge and precious treasures just waiting to shake the dust of forgotten about. Thus began the story of the late world with the Moroccan genius .. He says in the introduction to the book: "what looked and hunted and found treasures great literature does not limit, in its article on the literature any country of the other Arab countries, and found figures and scientific literature in the field of production and thinking dignitaries, but negligence may be pardoned to all this ..., Vaanaj to the tranquility of. " And proceeded Sheikh December, in the track and record all up to him by the news of science and literature and history, offering it in the form of literary high; with the passage of time is a book from cover to cover information high for kings, ministers, commanders and conquerors, scientists, writers, scholars and mystics, and others of the elite society. This book was issued in the city of Tetouan (Northern Morocco) was then suffering under the yoke of Spanish occupation without a thirty years old! Subsequently to translate into Spanish; as adopted by the German "Karl Brockelmann" in the supplements his book on the history of Arabic literature. And hailed by the Italian "Giovanni Bianchi."
Add to the fact that a number of European universities adopted by reference for students of Arabic in it. In 1939, he received a letter from December, and the Spanish Ministry of Education tell him where they awarded him an honorary doctorate in literature from the University of Madrid; and invited him to visit her country as a guest of honor of the Spanish government.

The irony of the reaction of the French occupation, which was different; as quickly issued a military order prevents the circulation of the book, and warns that all of the proven possession of a copy of which will be punished severely. The reason for this, that the French colonialists tried all the time and while the highlights that the Moroccans are just barbarians with no memory and civilization, but the book "The Moroccan genius" to expose all of that proof and evidence and logic.
As the issuance of "Moroccan genius" good effect in the Arab Mashreq, and here's what his record is enough statement Emir Shakib Arslan in the evaluation and presentation of a book published in the newspaper, "the Moroccan contingent," which was published in 1360 in Tetouan for Migration. The Prince said: "The author collected in his book between both science and literature and politics," and praised the "Arslan" at the same time brilliantly mark December and creativity to capture the life property in Morocco. And "Moroccan genius" Book of mixing between intellectual movements and political movements strange mixture has no natural connection, which continues in almost every stage of the Nations between science and policy, so one of them does not rise unless the paper the other cable.
LeaveSchool on DecemberFive years before his death, may God have mercy on him, ie, in 1984, and while he was being treated in a sanatorium in the French capital as a result of his obsession and hope in the continuity of the scientific journey decided on December courtesy rich library with thousands of rare and valuable references to the city of Tangier. There have been a desire to survive, with the establishment of the Commission entrusted with the receipt of all the contents of the library, and the establishment of public library bore the name of the owner and which is still at this writing beacon for science students and researchers for knowledge. He died the mark "Abdullah December" (6 years of Dhu al-Hijjah 1410 AH = 9 July 1989) in the city of Tangier.
Features of life1908 - (30 August 1326) - Born in Fez. Osalhaely back into the family of honorable children of the village on December Aladerisien Alzoaqan of the tribe of Bani track near the city of Beech and also between that is the same as a valuable booklet: (Preserving honor the family of December)1913 - moved with his family to stay in Tangier.1932 - He married the daughter of Muhammad ibn Tawit of the notables of Tangier.1936 - (light of a November 1355) established an Islamic school for girls in Tangier and Benin.1938 - issued his famous book (excellence in Moroccan Arabic literature)1939 - received an honorary doctorate from the University of Central Madrid.1945 - established the Islamic Institute of Tangier and took over its management to the year 1953.1948 - Appointed Director of the Institute for Research Moulay Hassan Tetouan.1949 - appointed professor at the religious institute of higher Tetouan (1)1953 - joined the establishment of Tetouan on the impact of the events of 20/8/531955 - Appointed Minister of Justice in the government Al-Khalifa in North Morocco (Tetouan) (01/21/55)1955 - Appointed member of the Arab Academy in Damascus.1955 - resigned from the ministry following the return of King Mohammed V to the homeland in 16/11/1955.1956 - appointed to a factor of Tangier and the liquidation of the international system.1957 - Hajj delegation was headed by the Moroccan official.1960 - appointed as an agent of the Council of the Constitution.1961 - elected Secretary General of the Association of Scientists and Morocco remained in this position until his death.1961 - elected an active member of the representative of Morocco in the Arabic Language Academy in Cairo.1969 - won the Grand Medal of intellectual efficiency of His Majesty King Hassan II.1969 - Hajj delegation was headed by the Moroccan official (for the second time in the past were not repeated)1970 - was selected to write a book in the history of Arabic literature in the University of Cambridge, England, along with a group of professors of this university.1974 - Founding of the Council appointed a member of the Muslim World League in Makkah.1975 - Appointed member of the Committee for the Liberation (Arabic encyclopedia of the twentieth century) in Beirut.1981 - appointed a member of a factor in the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco.1981 - Appointed Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Regional Tangier.1981 - Appointed member of the Scientific Council, chaired by Supreme Majesty King Hassan II.1983 - Appointed member of the Royal Academy for Islamic Civilization Research (Al-Bayt Foundation in Amman - Jordan)1989 - (9 July) moved to the higher ranks.
His work published:- Excellence in Moroccan Arabic Literature, two volumes, Tetouan, the printing press Mahdia, 1938.255 +438 p.. I 2, Beirut, Lebanon's Book House, 1961.I 3, Beirut, Lebanon's Book House, 1961.- Explain the limited Almcoda, (Cairo), Press, Mustafa Mohammed, 1938.96 p..- Poets, princes, Tetouan, the printing press of Egypt, 1361 AH.- Introduction to the history of Morocco, Arab Unity Press, 1944.- An oasis of thought, Tetouan, the printing press Mahdia, 1948.195 p..- Tlguib newborn small for Abdul Haq Seville, Tetouan, the printing press Mahdia, 1952.- Explanation Achammqmqah, Cairo, Tetouan, Printing House, 1954.- Messages Sadia, Tetouan, Morocco's Printing House, 1954.- Court of King of Granada, Joseph III, Tetouan, Moulay Hassan Press, 1958.- Linnet example, publications Research Institute of the Supreme Morocco, 1958.- Talk of the modern Moroccan literature, Cairo, Dar's leading print, 1964.211 p.. (I 2, white, House of Culture, 1978, i 3, white, House of Culture, 1978.)- Paintings of poetry, Tetouan, Kremadas Press, 1976.196 p..- Altaaship, Beirut, Lebanon's Book House, 1979.- Wild flowers, Tetouan, Kremadas Press, 1976.196 p..- Islam leader, Beirut, Lebanon's Book House, 1979.- Book of the forty medical extracted from Sunan Ibn Majah and explained / by Abdul-Latif al-Baghdadi, achieving Abdullah December, Rabat, Directorate of Islamic Affairs, 1979.65 p.- Tours in Islamic thought, Tetouan, Despres Press, 1980.154 p..- The interpretation of the detailed wall of the Koran, Casablanca, Dar culture, 1981.429 p..- Scandal Ahtjabhm missionaries in the Quran shown, Mecca, the Muslim World League Press, 1982.- Rhythms concerns: hair, Tangier, Press, Syria, 1401 H 0.128 p..- On the path of Islam, 2nd Floor, Casablanca, House of Culture, 1983.- Islam is presented, Casablanca, House of Culture, 1984.153 p..- Islamic concepts, Casablanca, House of Culture, 1985.150 p..- Tough and Ondae, Tangier, Harbor Press, 1986.202 p..- Literature scholars, Casablanca: House of Culture, 1988. P. 214.- Imam Idris, the founder of the Moroccan / p. Fassi, December Abdullah, Abdul Hadi and Mohammed Tazi Almnona, Rabat, the Moroccan Association of Solidarity of the Islamic 1988.75 p.. (A series for the Islamic awareness).
In addition to these actions, on December Abdullah also:- Elected by the poetry of Ibn Zakur, Larache, Arts Press photographer.- Journal of Luqman, Tetouan, Press Mahdia, (d. C) 0.81 am.- Vinegar and legume, Tetouan, the printing press Mahdia, (d. C) 0.279 p..- Islamic movements, Casablanca, (d. V).- Islamic Affairs, House of modern printing (d. V).- Islamic perspectives, Tangier, Press, Syria, (d. V).- Brainstorming and basil, Tetouan, Kremadas Press.Series - Memories of Famous Men of Morocco, Beirut, Lebanon's Book House.- Manufacturer poets.- Aligned Linnet.- From the popular literature.- In language and literature, Tangier, and the agency Sail

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