الجمعة، 16 سبتمبر 2011

Mehdi Ben Barka

Mehdi Ben Barka was born in January 1920 in Rabat, Morocco, disappeared on October 29, 1965 in Fontna if Viscount northern France was political Moroccans, the largest opposition socialist of King Hassan II and the leader of the Third World and African Unity, according to information available in 2006 were followed up by Israeli Mossad and CIA, which were Takbran both Rabat and Paris, is the issue of Ben Barka code dark period under the rule of King Hassan II, and frozen for as long as the bilateral relations between France and MoroccoIn 1943 became professor of mathematics of the stages of secondary school, was arrested for the first time in 1944 by French authorities after he left with his peers to demand the independence of his country (Morocco) was a member of the Executive Committee was exiled to the south of Morocco by the French authorities and remained there until 1954, he founded the Patriotic Union of of Popular Forces, in the fall of 1963 he was sentenced to death by the Moroccan authorities which forced him out of his country and spent his life traveling between Cairo - Beirut - Paris, was the Mehdi Ben Barka of the fighters loyal to the cause of the Arab Maghreb and the liberalization of his country from French occupation, having got out of prison claimed the published political articles calling for the fight against the occupation and the expulsion of the occupation, prompting Morocco to track and arrest more than once and committed to prison.
The radiation Mehdi Ben Barka, exhibitions wicked regime of King Hassan II, may spread outside the country to be in addition to his leadership of the Party, the popular forces and the Moroccan left, one of the most prominent leaders of the liberation movement the world and a friend of the leaders, from China to Cuba, they were symbols of anti-American hegemony and Western countries in the world the third and managed through the Solidarity Organization Afro - Asian convince these countries to hold what is known as the Conference of the three continents that had been scheduled to take place in Ahavana beginning of 1966. The return for the union of his friends about the symbolism, uniting opponents of Ben Barka on the elimination target, according to the published documents, the decision was made in March 1965, between the Moroccan intelligence in coordination with the CIA and the cooperation with Israeli intelligence (Mossad) and some men of French intelligence, and prepared for that Court plan is to draw it to the French capital Paris and kidnap him without agreement on the post-abduction
The crime of kidnapping of French laborIn front of the restaurant lib in the rue Saint-Germain, in the heart of the French capital, the morning of October 29, 1965, where he was on a date with filmmaker French to prepare a film about the liberation movements, and this was the director involved in the scenario of the abduction, a man in police French of Ben Barka and asked him accompany him in a police car.
Characters of the crimeGeneral Mohamed Oufkir and was responsible for the Moroccan security services and hated sons of the Moroccan people because of his firm in the treatment of citizens, has been executed also in 1972 after a failed coup plotted against King Hassan II, has appeared his daughter on television and accused the Moroccan authorities to assassinate him, and there are also Ahmed al-Dulaimi, an officer in the Moroccan army, who was also charged in the assassination of Ben Barka, was al-Dulaimi, is responsible for organizing cooperation with the U.S. group that came to Morocco for the organization of the intelligence service and the establishment of a special device to foreigners. dear Mahi, also participated in the kidnapping and assassination, one of the Moroccan intelligence is intermediary between al-Dulaimi, and French (Lopez). Mr. Husseini, a client of the intelligence of Morocco and the Assistant Colonel Dulaimi, director of the Moroccan security is a nurse anesthesia in the task of the Moroccan police have played an important role in the kidnapping of Ben Barka in preparing a plan of kidnapping and assassination, with Col. Ahmed al-Dulaimi, and had attended to Paris before the assassination, eight months and, accompanied by al-Dulaimi. and names mentioned (Alsouti Arab) and (Ashashi Abdul Haq) and (Alatla Said) has said one accused the French press that he saw a general or a poor enters the room that held the Ben Barka was holds in his hand a dagger and the Mahdi was in a room, a warehouse in a poor state of the torture suffered by the men of Moroccan intelligence.
After that and until now disappeared after Ben Barka officially did not know, but what made it two policemen in front of a French court, which admitted that they were abducted Ben Barka in agreement with the Moroccan intelligence, and they took him to the villa on the outskirts of Paris, where a witness, General Mohamed Oufqir Interior Minister of Morocco at the time, along with Ahmed al-Dulaimi Director of the Moroccan intelligence and others of his men, and that Ben Barka had died during interrogation and torture. This novel of the parties agreed to participate to the crime or the family of Ben Barka and his colleagues, but after that still accounts for multiple different, and so far, despite the passage of forty years does not know the fate of Ben Barka's body was buried and where. All accounts are traded for the certification and do not carry it all confirmed.
Participants in the crime said the body was buried on the river SIM near the villa where he was held by Ahmed Bukhari former agent of the intelligence of Morocco said in 2001 it was flown after the assassination to Rabat on a plane Moroccan military was dissolved in a bath of acid in one of the headquarters secret intelligence Moroccan , and Moroccan newspapers spoke to the head only a transfer of bond and presented on the table for dinner in one of the royal palaces. Other accounts said that the transfer of the whole body of the ligament and was buried secret detention courtyard of the Moroccan intelligence known as f3.
Between this and that fact was lostThe late King Hassan II said that the assassination of a pool is one of the conspiracy and tried to assassinate him, referring to Gen. Mohammed Oufqir and General Ahmed al-Dulaimi. According to official sources, Morocco, the Moroccan King Mohammed VI told the concerned he did not know anything about the file Ben Barka and his late father did not inform him of anything and that he be allowed to go too far in the search for truth, and although it is still the truth is absent and the fate of Ben Barka unknown and the official authorities of Morocco not cooperating with the French judiciary, which seeks to reach the truth.
On the other hand after he made Ahmed Bukhari client Moroccan intelligence including made, years ago, the details about the kidnapping and the assassination of Ben Barka offers the Socialist Union of Popular Forces, which is the main party in government, filed a complaint against the Moroccan judiciary to investigate al-Bukhaari in what he said about the leader, especially as al-Bukhaari Turning to the places witnessed the preparation and implementation, and the names involved in all stages, including who is still alive. The family asked Ben Barka in France from the investigating judge hearing the case formally to the steam, but the Moroccan authorities said file a complaint of the Socialist Union had lost at the same time prevented from traveling by al-Bukhaari and withdrew his passport and have filed charges against him a check without balance

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