الجمعة، 16 سبتمبر 2011

Abdelkrim Khattabi

Morocco has a personal impact on Moroccan history known as Abdelkrim a rural figures striving against foreign colonization of Morocco in this article we will try to shed light on this unique personal history and mark its inception in Moroccan history
Ould Mohamed Ben Abdelkrim years (1299 e = 1881) in the town of "Igdir" near Al Hoceima, Morocco, grew up under the aegis of his father, the leader or head of the tribe "Bani Rjagl", save Mohammed Abdelkrim little boy the Qur'an, then sent his father to the University of villagers city (Fez) to study forensic science and language, and after graduating from the University returned to Melilla, and worked as a religious judiciary, at the same time work in editing the newspaper "Telegraph countryside", and has helped all of that on the configuration of personal rhetoric was fate is his greatest tasks and leadership territory in the face of Spanish colonialism and the French. After the announcement of Spain's protection on the north of Morocco, and looked forward to gorging on the Rif region, hit the father of rhetorical leader of the tribe of Bani Rjagl, who refused to submit to the Spaniards, and offer their allegiance to General Spanish "Gooderana," and this led the dispute to the Spanish isolate rhetorical son for the judiciary, and imprisoned some a year after his release from prison and found his father is preparing to fight the Spanish, the letter the father died before achieving his wish in the Jihad Alemczudh Spaniards died in the year (1339 AH = 1920 AD), and was succeeded by his son Abdul Karim rhetoric in the leadership of his tribe.
In the meantime, the major powers then preparing to pounce on Morocco, and distribute it among themselves and distract the population structure to weaken but the composition of Morocco that time the Berber tribes in the middle and Arabs in the north and south will not disperse thing easy in this climate you do not Mohammed Abdelkrim The judge and the commander of rural to remain indifferent it was Morocco in the early twentieth century suffers from poor and deeply divided, a split of the ruling family and its internal conflicts, and the use of the parties to this conflict to remain on the throne by external forces, while the other side represents the competing colonial fierce between the major powers to control Morocco and secure its influence and interests therein, and in particular France, which was waiting for a chance to pounce on Morocco, but she found England, Germany, and parked her lookout; resorted to satisfy England by agreeing friendly year (1322 AH = 1904) which launched her hand in Morocco, and Germany was forced to give part of Cameroon, even recognizing the occupation of France to Marrakech (13 Dhul 1329 AH = November 4, 1911 m). Not enter France city of "Fez", or declaration of protection it easy easy; due to the nature of the mountainous country of cliffs, and the nature of the Berber population, who are accustomed to keep their independence internal to all central governments, and are therefore not subject to the country only after more than twenty year-old played the character Prince rhetorical play a major role in jihad and resistance, and described one of the officers of French adults of these brave resistance, saying: "I did not give any tribe without resistance; some even did not receive his weapon so exhausted all means of resistance, and marked every stage of our progress by fighting, Whenever we stopped Alemrakxion established a new front for many years forced our troops to stand caution and vigilance in the position of military disgrace. " And the imposition of French protection Morocco (12 April 1330 e = March 30, 1912 m) and a few days after the Moroccan revolution surge in Fez erupted when the army and the people, led by Mujahid "Ahmed the gift of God", and the victories, the dispute between the two teams, and ended up the death of the man, and enables French to extend their influence to Morocco during the First World War.
As a result of these battles successive Vajit population shared Spain and France's influence in Morocco, which was suffering from weakness and division and internal conflict, and the use of external forces, and resulted in this division that became the northern part of Morocco is subject to the control of Spanish, and this part is divided in turn to the section east of the known AQIM rural , West knows its mountains, stretching the country's rural areas along the coast for a distance of 120 miles, and extends an offer for a distance of 25 miles, and inhabited by tribes belong mostly to the Berber origin, comes in the forefront of the tribe of Bani and Rjagl, which belongs to Abdelkrim, who led the revolt against the Spaniards, and established emerging countries, and achieved great victories. And when the Spaniards carry out an expansionist policy in Marrakech, encountered strong opposition within Spain itself because of the defeats they have suffered at the hands of the Americans in the Philippines and Cuba, opposed the public opinion, the Spanish military adventures colonial, but supporters argued that the occupation of Marrakech is necessary to secure the ports, the Spanish South, which included men voice of religion to the military. The Spaniards know the severity of resistance to rural people for their expansion, Vaktefoa initially control of Ceuta and Melilla, and then moved later to the occupation of most of the coastal ports around the area of ​​influence, and the plan was based on the advancing Spanish troops across the Aljebalh to occupy the city of Tetouan, which agreed to be the capital of the Spanish, but in at Aljebalh is a strong leader, "Ahmed bin Mohammed Raïssouni" who carried the banner of resistance in the year (1330 AH = 1911 AD) until he took over from Prince rhetorical. The hit Raïssouni Spaniards when they invaded the port of authentic, which was dependent upon the import of arms, and then walked to the occupation of the city of Tetouan, fell clashes, including over Bsaleh it agreed to be the mountains and the interior of the Risona, and the coast to the Spaniards, but the Spaniards broke the Covenant, and chased him, and penetrated Aljebalh in the land of heavy losses, and were able to occupy the city of Chefchaouen in the most important city in the country (zero 1339 AH = October 1920).
Courage Mohammed Abdelkrim and his composureBiography AbdelkrimBegan danger intensifies the Spaniards, so they arrested him in 1915 on charges of tipping to the Ottomans and to the defense of the caliphate and inflame Islamic feeling (against the new crusaders), and their trial before the war a military, there have been a brave prince high and absolute trust in the religion that embraces.I turned to him Ganrl (ie Aspuro) head of the military, saying: Is it really works against the Allies? He said: Yes. Asked him: What is the reason for this? Prince Abdul Karim says: I said to him: Because of the Ottoman Empire entered the war as an Islamic Caliphate State, which stands next to Astoria, Germany, [Austria], and I am a Muslim Caliph and Marrakchi called jihad against the Allies to liberate our country is occupied by France and Spain. He said to him, General: What is your relationship with succession? He replied: It's all in the succession of Muslims all over the world, so I fight with them to the Allies ... General laughed and then said to him: I know you're a gentleman and a noble family are known, but not you know that Spain is committed to state neutrality, and you judge the judges in the protection zone? Said to him, Prince Abdul Karim: This does not prevent me from doing my duty, and I see a lot of Illatkm deal with the Germans who are here to feed the war against France next to Turkey, then if the job prevents me from doing national duty, I resigned from this job from now on to have enough time to do duty bound Ali ... Incarcerated Prince Abdul Kareem in prison, and began to fight bloody against the Spaniards Allowaghlin, who saw his arrest «hostage» for his father, who began his struggle against the Spaniards in the countryside Marrakchi, and try hero struggling to escape from prison, stood at the eleventh hour of the night by jumping from the highest tower in the castle to the ground by a rope hanging on the edge of iron by Vtdly tied with rope. But the rope did not reach to the ground leaving a period of time suspended in space, and then saw to jump the remaining distance, and the wind was very fierce, and he fell on his left leg as a result of balance of the intensity of the wind, broke his leg and encouraged his head out his hand for a detailed position.
And returned this time to two prisons prison entry and imprisonment of the disease, and the father of the Emir Abdelkader thing at a time when he was preparing to launch a major attack on the Spaniards, he wrote to the commander of the Spanish say to him: Do not think that the arrest and I have switched on and you in prison, prevent me from working against you, he and I and all family members are always ready to face the oppressors as they deserve. When the income of some officers at the prisoner and the Prince asked him to persuade his father to cease fighting the Spanish, and threatened him to prison «Malaga» criminals, a prison, he turned to Prince, saying: I can not, commander of the parents with something! It is telling me that I am obedient to him in everything, and I am ready to go to Scengm in Malaga, and you are unjust in any case, do not wait for me something other than this ...
Work of Abdul Karim then the organization of the army and the removal of obstacles that stand in the way of growth, not Tnasseh hostilities do the reforms that the country needs, systems of financial of the country that did not fall under the grip of colonial and fix the management and systems of trade and agriculture, meant the situation of rural health and education. The succession struggle with his soldiers who did not increase a thousand and six hundred Mujahid, with Spain in the west, as well as with the French from the south in the battles of a scorching successive, has hit the enemies, and affects the enemies of it, injuring their enemies with their faith and their weapons, and infects them enemies to ... Poison gas used by the Spaniards more than once.As intensified the impact of Prince Abdul Karim on the Spanish in which he defeated them in August of 1924, did not seek dictator Spanish «Primo de Rivera» but to assume military command himself to work to save his army, and negotiate with the French to do Benjdth, and resulted in his negotiations with them, It agreed Alqōtat French and Spanish in the fight against Abdul Karim, France was the most powerful nation in the wilderness of the world, and the Spanish army third European armies.
Meshaal rhetorical revolutionRhetoric was thirty-nine when he took the reins of power in the countryside, you may experience wisdom, and Osqlth days, and united the goal, continued onwards as if his father's determination to do to continue the jihad, and directed by Spaniards from the country. In the meantime, Gen. "Sylvester" - the commander of the Gaza Melilla - crawling towards the country's rural areas; to govern the control, and succeeded at first in taking on some areas, and try Abdelkrim to warn the general "Sylvester" of the consequences of continued progress, and to engage in regions do not recognize the Spanish foreign protection, but the general did not care for arrogant words of rhetoric, and continued progress in the occupation of the country itself Mmnaa countryside. The forces of General Spanish shining twenty-four thousand troops equipped with weapons and artillery, and did not encounter these forces in their drive in the country's rural areas, or resistance, and I think General that it is easy, and blinded by his ego that men Abdelkrim working to lure the troops into the mountains high, and its forces continued to Spanish in progress and small victories; even occupied the town looms in (7 Ramadan 1339 AH = 15 May 1921). Then began men Abdelkrim attack on all the sites occupied by the Spaniards, and surrounded these sites siege, and the failure of General in response to the attack, or help sites under siege, and his own force main, which is collected in the "loom" is threatened, having besieged and encircled rural men , and when he tried to withdraw his forces clashed with troops rhetoric in (16 Dhul 1339 AH = 22 July 1921) in a decisive battle known as the Battle (looms), and the crushing defeat of the Spanish troops; where exterminated most of the occupying army, and passed the Spanish they lost in those Antrh 15 thousand people, led by General "Sylvester," and was captured 570 prisoners, but the spoils of the weapons in the hands of the Mujahideen. Once the shot to news of the victory of rhetoric and his men in battle (looms), even endowed tribes countryside chasing the Spaniards wherever they are, for less than a week but may win the countryside for them, and became a Spanish limited to the city "Tetouan" and some of the forts in the mixer. Had the effect of this defeat loud a military coup in Spain led by "Premoda Rivera" the year (1342 AH = 1923 AD), but this did not alter the reality of the situation in Morocco, did not announce the new government to end its occupation of Morocco; which is called rhetoric to continue the jihad against , so the attack in year 1924, the city of "Tetouan", but it did not fall in his hand, despite the arrival of soldiers to the suburbs, and had the Spanish forces to withdraw from the interior, and concentrated in fortified positions on the coast, as they evacuated their positions in the territory of "mixer" , in late years (1343 AH = 1924 AD), after it proved unable to keep this region in front of rhetorical attacks.
On the other hand surprised the French victory at the rhetorical Spaniards, and had hoped otherwise, as Fjawa withdrawal of Spanish forces from the territory of mixer the whole; and so they decided to intervene in the fighting against the rhetoric in the interest of the Spaniards, and France fears that the success of the rhetoric in the revolution an incentive to the revolutions in North Africa against it, and the Republic of strong in rural areas pay the Moroccans to revolt against the French and the rejection of the French protectorate and raged France to fight the rhetoric to increase its forces in Morocco, and began looking for an excuse to intervene in the countryside, so they try to raise Prince rhetoric more than once to intervene in his area, and was rhetorical silent before these provocations; so do not fight on two fronts, and only condemned the aggression on the land belonging to him, and then by the French to encourage men of some Sufi orders to stir up some unrest, and unrest in the countryside, when they were confronted by rhetorical France intervened under the pretext of protecting its supporters, and fighting broke out between the rhetoric and the French in (Ramadan 1343 AH = 1925, April), and was surprised by the good organization of the French forces by the rhetoric, and Bpsahlthm in the fighting, so they had a commitment on the defensive for four months, and suffered some of their military losses.
SurrenderIt was agreed that the Spanish and French to crawl on the countryside in order to achieve a military liaison between the two countries and the burning of the countryside, dividing his forces into two parts; which exposes them to the position of military very critical, but the advent of winter Berudth for this crawl, and some military operations, and lost the rhetoric in those battles around 20 thousand martyrs , and remained beside him about 60 thousand combatants. Widened the war in (1344 AH = 1926) and renewed crawl and military cooperation, the full between Paris and Madrid with the surrounding coast Bosatilhma, lack of supplies in the countryside; because most of the fighters in the ranks of rhetoric from the farmers, and these do not work on their land over a year ago, and they are fighting in the front stretch to more than 300 km.
Took refuge in the French to pay Moroccan collaborators to invite the tribes to hold a separate peace with France or Spain in exchange for their needs of food, and found the rhetoric that wisdom requires the cessation of hostilities the mercy of the inhabitants of the countryside and tribes before Tlthmanm war, and accepted by the greedy French and Spanish and traitors of the Moroccans. The thought of a man to fight his own battles commando; in defense of his land and his religion, but his colleagues stopped him and advised him to negotiate, he decided to get his country and himself on the best terms, and not to be surrendered bowing or humiliation, and saw the surrender of the French as a prisoner of war, and broke into Bjawadh Air France In a wonderful scene in a rare (12 Dhul 1344 AH = May 25, 1926 m) and the fighting continued after the period. As is Vnafth France to Reunion Island in the remote Pacific after 13 thousand kilometers from home, who witnessed the birth and struggle.
It was a long night of captivity and exile Balkhtaba, his family and some of his followers a little over twenty years, spent in prayer and reading the Koran in that rocky island, suffered the lack of money, affecting the works with his hands to secure his living and his family, he bought a farm, and fought the gain of living, failed attempts to leave to any Arab or Islamic country; because France knew that the man holds in his heart the flame of freedom is not extinguished, and his words of self-determination are phrases stuffed with dynamite explosion of the revolutions and accepted by the souls of the free. In (1367 e = 1947), France decided to transfer rhetoric and his family to the press by the King Mohammed V of the constant demands for independence, but it Astjart of the frying pan into the fire, When they arrive, the ship that was carrying him to the port of Port enable some young Moroccans living in Egypt to visit him on board ship, and Rjoh to advance to resort to Egypt to continue the march of jihad for the liberation of Morocco, he agreed with this view provided that the Egyptian government agrees to his request, as suffered by a delegation from the Muslim Brotherhood welcoming him. It was agreed to his request, despite protests from the French ambassador in Egypt, and began the "rhetorical" a new era of national struggle for the liberation of his country, and founded with the sons of the Maghreb to the Commission launched the "Committee for the Liberation Maghreb", took over the presidency in (25 Muharram 1367 e = 9 December 1947). With Prince "Abdelkrim" resident in Cairo, following the activity of the Mujahideen of the sons of the Arab Maghreb living in Cairo, and giving them his advice and guidance Te, until he died in (1 of Ramadan 1382 AH = 6 February 1963).

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