الجمعة، 16 سبتمبر 2011

Tariq ibn Ziyad

Tariq ibn Ziyad, the Conqueror of Andalusia. Born the year 50 AH, origin of the Berbers, the safest by Musa bin Nasir, was one of the most men, and what was to Moses, open Tangier gone by Tariqa year 89 AH, he stayed in the early AH 92 AH, Fjhz Moses, an army of seven thousand troops, mostly from the Berbers of the invasion of Andalusia and open, and ran Tariqa ride, got out of their sea and took over the mountain (Gibraltar) and the opening of a fortress, "Cartagena" When he knew Tariq arrival of an army of enemies large led by the King, "usurped" asked Moses to enhance sent him five thousand soldiers, re Tariq his army and gave his sermon, the famous and fought King "usurped" killing him, and then penetrated in the land of Andalusia and opened the "Seville" and "Astgh" seized and sent from the "Cordoba" and "Malaga", then open the "Toledo" the capital of Andalusia. Tariq ibn Ziyad died year 102 AH. Is the leader of an Arab Muslim out of the Amazigh took over Spain. It was Tariq ibn 'Amr, the freed slave of Musa Bin Naseer factor Maghreb by the Umayyad Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik, the commander of the Islamic armies, which took over the Iberian Peninsula. Tariq ibn Ziyad is considered the most famous military leaders in history and holds Gibraltar, northern Morocco name to this day.Does not know anything about the work of Tariq ibn Ziyad at the first inception, and for his involvement in the fighting during the mandate of the Berber Zuhair ibn Qais on Africa. When he killed Zuhair in Tobruk, in 76 AH, he was appointed Tariq Emir of Cyrenaica, however, was soon a long time in this post, as soon he was named commander of the Army of Musa bin Nusair, Vibly well in his wars. And appeared to Moses, his ability to break into the battles, and his skill in leading the army, Fullah on the front of his armies in Morocco. And so made available to the Tariq bin Ziyad to lead the armies of Moses, and share with the rest of the Maghreb, and the control of the defenses of Morocco until the maximum of the Atlantic.

And is still fighting the barbarians, and opens their cities until he reached the city of Al Hoceima (shin their country, their cities and mother) Vhazaretha until their income, and gave her family. It did not take on the mandate of Moses, to Morocco several years, Morocco has even undergone a whole, it did not Tstas only city of Ceuta, the vulnerability and the severity of Thsnha. And its emirates, he was the ruler of the Byzantine state, known Eont Julian, and he calls the Arab historians Lillian Christian.
The Lilian Despite this dependence of the Byzantine state heading in the request for aid to the Kingdom of the Goths (Goth), Spain, the government Vtmayor Gothic foodstuffs and supplies by sea. Moses and his killer Tariq Volviah in the rescue and the strength and number, they can not overcome, Faragaa to the city of Tangier, and from there taking altering what about Ceuta and Biqan them down without success, as ships were Goths vary Balmirh Ceuta and supply. When he gave Moses from entering Ceuta, established leader Tariq ibn Ziyad and ruler of the city of Tangier even have the opportunity to observe the city of Ceuta from the close, leaving the disposal of Tariq nineteen thousand of the barbarians with their weapons and the number of full, with a small number of Arabs to teach them the Koran and duties of Islam. Now Moses has returned to Kairouan.
Tariq preferred to earn a friendship as long as the enemy, Lilian has failed to enter the heavily fortified city. It is noteworthy that the correspondence Tariqa Lillian and even Alatefh Thaddena. Then happened in the other side of the Gothic (Andalusia) is not taken into account: that Rodrigo (usurped) a pimp army Gothic bounce on the throne, and took off the king kingdom Roderic had, and took his place, then that usurped assaulted the daughter of Lillian that were in the court of King kingdom Roderic had, which raised the anger of Lillian, and made it come himself to Tariq bin Ziad and offer him help in capturing al-Andalus. Tariq did not hesitate to contact Lord will immediately Musa Bin Naseer Kairouan, who called the Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik consulted and asked his permission, and advised him not to Caliph al-Walid depends on Lilian, but sends the Muslims of exploring it, sending secret Tarif, who returned Balepeshaúr and spoils.
Tarif campaignIn response to the order of the Caliph began Musa Bin Naseer in the processing campaign of small to cross the sea to Spain, and the strength of five hundred troops, led by the commander of the Berbers called "Tarif ibn Malik"; to explore the matter and explore the land of Spaniards and offered attach to this campaign, four ships brought them to Spain, crossing of the sea and landed there in the area called the island of Tarif, relative to the commander of the campaign, and that was in (Ramadan 91 AH = July 710 AD) Just drive through the Green Island, and captured a lot and studied the conditions in Spain, then staggered due to Morocco, and made its leader to Musa Bin Naseer results of his campaign.
Vance Moses to Lillian, and increased aggressive, expansions, and then summoned his master Tariqa, and ordered him to seven thousand three hundred of the Berbers and Arabs. Campaign and sailed from Tangier in 5 of Rajab 92 AH, 711, April, in four ships, these ships have been carrying soldiers to the mountain of Tariq Calpe, which became known as Gibraltar until the complete transfer and Toavo all he has.
Signed on news of storm usurped Muslim southern coast of Andalusia, and entering the island green, the occurrence of lightning, Phanzj Walker due to the south of Spain, and marched to Cordoba in the army tractor was promised, according to Arab accounts of about one hundred thousand. Tariq wrote to Moses derive, and tell him that he had entered the island green, and the king of metaphors to Andalusia, sheep and even some of its lake, and usurped the march before him, including not do. Moses sent to prison terms of five composed of thousands of Muslims, complemented by several of his twelve thousand.
Sermon Tariq ibn ZiyadAnd turns at the same time usurped, even armies camped west of Tarif, near Lake Khandh, along the streamlet which flows into the bond of the sea, which he called the Muslims and Lkh Valley. In contrast, Tariq took in preparing for the decisive battle. Chose a suitable location in the valley Lkh, based in the wings on the contraindications natural protected, and organized his troops, and was told that he ordered the burning ships, but that dispute to the historians [1] and has in his companions, and glorified God and praised him as He deserves. Then urged Muslims to jihad, and Rgbhm it, and provoked their enthusiasm. Was what he said in the sermon famous Tariq
«(O people, where the Flee? The sea behind you, and the enemy before you, and not you, and God only sincerity and patience, and know that you are on this island waste of orphans in the banquet villains, and receive you your enemy with his army and his weapons, and Oqguath be perfectly, and you do not burden you but your swords, and livelihoods but what Tstkhalsouna from the hands of your enemy, but extended to you the days on Avcgarkm, not Tndzoa you is gone power depart, and Tawwadt the hearts of the horrors of you daring you, Vadvawa yourselves betrayed the consequence of the commanded you Bmanadzh this tyrant (meant to be usurped) has dropped by you fortified his city, and to seize the opportunity when possible, if you allow yourselves to death.I did not warn you is I am with him Benjoh, and your campaign on a plan cheaper pleasures of the soul but I start myself, and know that if you are patient on Alohq a bit, enjoyed Balervh yummiest long, do not you like yourself for myself, what Hzkm the fullest extent of the won. "»
Then he said:«(" The Antkhpkm Waleed bin Abdul Malik of the faithful heroes Arbana, and Redakm of the kings of this island Osara, and Okhtana, trust him Partiegm the Taan and Astmagm Bmajaldh heroes and knights; to be the moment you the reward of God to uphold his word and to manifest his religion in this island, and to be booty exclusive to you without him, and without Swakm believers, and God - God - Crown Onejadkm on what you be male in both realms.And know that I am the first respondent to invite you to it, and I at the crossroads of Aljmaan pregnant myself a tyrant folk usurped, Vqatlh - God willing -, Vahmiloa me, the perished after him, has Kwejtkm his command, and did not Aauzakm request a marriage contract Tsndon your affairs to him, and perished before my arrival to ; Fajlfona in my resolve these, Take him yourselves, and contented themselves with worry from taking over the island to kill him; after they Ikhzlon). »
Battle of Wadi LkhI accept the usurped in Jmuah They are about several hundred thousand people and a number, which is on his bed, so the umbrella Macllh Baldr, rubies, peridot, and around the forest of flags and items. And accept Tariq and his companions, they zebrafish, from above their heads, white turbans and Arab bows in their hands, and have held swords, spears began.
At the end of Ramadan in 92 AH (July 19 \ July 711) occurred Valley Lkh battle between the forces of the Umayyad dynasty, under the command of Tariq ibn Ziyad and the army of Visigoth King Rodrigo, who is known in Islamic history as the usurped. Umayyads won a landslide victory led to the fall of the Visigoths and thus the fall of most of the Iberian Peninsula under the authority of the Umayyad caliphs. And the battle was named as the river that took place near and along its banks, a river valley which is called in Spanish Lkh Jawadaliti. And called by some historians the name of the battle or the battle easy Albrabat Hdhuna battle, or battle de la Jonah De La Janda Spanish.
Joined the army of Tariq ibn Ziyad, Count Julian and some of the top enemies of the state of the Gothic usurped and a number of their soldiers. Joined the upper hand near the River Valley Lkh. Battle lasted 8 days and resisted the Goths fierce resistance at first but that the withdrawal of two brigades (one led by his brother, Archduke Opus) of 3 brigades of the army has usurped things to undermine and embarrass the military.
The usurped effect disappeared after the battle, and collects most of the narrators that he died as most historians brings to the killing of all the dignitaries of the country except Alosturiasa Pelayo, who fled without taking part in the fighting and headed north. The remnants of the enemies of the Muslims sought refuge in the mountains.
It was a serious situation, it was orders of Musa Bin Naseer accurate and clear, and states do not exceed the Sahel, for fear of the Muslims lost in this vast ocean of the peninsula Andalusian. However, the survival of Tariq at the borders of the coast, and with what it is the position of his troops from weakness, is very dangerous, Allowing the opportunity for the remnants of the Goths, may allow them to re-compile their own forces. Rushed Tariq entered Seville, and Ostgh, and sent the income of Cordoba and Malaga, and Toledo (the capital of Andalusia) and headed north Through the valley of stones and Ua last named Glen Tariq and fell several cities in his hand, including the city of Salem, which is said to Tariqa was found on the table of Solomon. He returned to Toledo after the year 93 AH subjected to all that was intercepted by opponents, but, to the north of Talath, the Goths forces coalesce to a new battle.
Tariq wrote to Moses: ¸ He crawled to at my capability •. Moses and faster, drove his army, consisting of eighteen thousand fighters, meeting Tariq Musa Bin Naseer in Toledo, said that he and scolded him for his violation of his orders, but most likely it admonished the cover of the storm rushed rashly into the middle of Andalusia without control of the east and west. According to Ibn Hayyan that Moses may Tariq, and ordered him on the front of the army, and his progress in front of him, and was followed by Moses with his army, Vartqy Tariq holes top and entered Zaragoza in 96 AH, 714 AD and Augl in the country, and the sheep of booty big, then moved towards Merida, following the Roman road linking Zaragoza Barcelona, ​​and then connected to the road then leads to Erbona on the coast of the Mediterranean.
After resting two leaders a little bit in Toledo Aoda expansions again, and march towards the north-east, and penetrated the mandate of Aragon, and entered Sergth and Trkona, Barcelona, ​​Fort Loudon on the valley Rdona (Rhone River) and other cities, and then parted ways, Fassar Tariq to the west, and headed Moussa N, and while they were on the case of expansion and incursions, and their relevance to a letter from Waleed bin Abdul Malik of the Umayyad caliph, requesting their return to Damascus, stopped Altsusat at the point where they finished it, and returned to Damascus, leaving the Muslims in Spain under the leadership of Abdul Aziz ibn Musa ibn Nusair, who He also participated in the invasion, annexation of the coast between Malaga and Valencia, and put down the revolution in Seville, Beja.
And began Andalusia since the invasion of Tariq Islamic history, and took in the conversion to Islam and the Arabic language, and has been a homeland for the Muslims for eight centuries, until it fell Granada, the last strongholds in the hands of Spaniards Christian year (897 AH = 1492 AD) was the expulsion of all Muslims and Jews, killed or forced to convert Catholic imposed official religion of the people.
Suleiman ibn Abd al-MalikTariq ibn Ziyad went, accompanied by Musa ibn Nusair to Damascus and with him four hundred members of the royal family and a crowd of prisoners and slaves, and many of the valuables. When they reached Tiberias in Palestine, Suleiman asked them to delay until the Crown Prince dies Caliph al-Walid, who was fighting for his life. But their progress and affiliate income with the spoils to Damascus. Have been left without news of commander Tariq bin Ziyad after his arrival in the Levant, with Musa ibn Nusair and confused statements of historians at the end of Tariq, is that the correct view that it was not given work after that

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